physical therapy Hampton St 3188

Now-a-days we lead a hectic and stressful life, amidst the honking horns and clouds of smoke and dust. Living in this unhealthy environment is leading to various diseases. How to escape this crisis? Physical therapy is one of the best ways to restore health and get a comfortable living. How? Let us checkout. A Painless…

What are the Most Common Causes of Spine Pain? Accidents and sports injuries are the most common causes of chronic back pain. But sometimes even simple activities or movements – such as bending over to pick up an object from the ground – can trigger the pain. A sedentary lifestyle and being too long sitting…

Could we take full responsibility for our own heath? As we eventually choose what food to eat and the level of exercise to take. But imagine a scenario where we have restrictive food allergies or a physical health problem implies we battle to get to the exercise center. By following the famous saying that prevention…