What are the Most Common Causes of Spine Pain?

Accidents and sports injuries are the most common causes of chronic back pain. But sometimes even simple activities or movements – such as bending over to pick up an object from the ground – can trigger the pain.

A sedentary lifestyle and being too long sitting put you at risk from back pain – and much more

There is a common denominator among most patients suffering from severe cases of chronic pain: a sedentary lifestyle.

Most back pain, neck and other muscle pain are related to the unbalanced distribution of force throughout the body, which is generated when working or remaining in abnormal positions for prolonged periods.

In addition, long sitting and poor posture are the main risk factors, not only for back pain, but also for weight gain, obesity, joint problems, nervous problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome and other diseases

It is experience that emotional health and your ability to effectively address stress is an essential component of optimal health and could have an incredible impact on how you effectively eliminate your pain.

There are many types of physicians who treat patients who have spinal conditions and each one has a slightly different role. The selection of the best type of health professional – or team of health professionals – depends to a large extent on the symptoms of the patients and the amount of time during which the symptoms have been present.

The different types of health professionals who treat back pain tend to have a variety of training and interests. Although it is common to start with a health care professional (a doctor, chiropractor or doctor in osteopathic medicine), if the patient’s back pain is resistant to the initial treatment then it may be necessary to consult a spine specialist for spine treatment in Melbourne.

There are three broad groups of health professionals who treat back pain:

  • Health care professionals are usually the first choice for patients when back pain begins and usually include:
  • Primary care physicians (family doctors, internists, obstetricians, gynecologists, pediatricians)
  • Chiropractors
  • Doctors in osteopathic medicine

Column spine treatment in Melbourne have a more specific area of expertise in certain diagnoses and / or treatments for spine pain and spinal conditions, and are:

  • Surgeons
  • Physiatrists
  • Anesthetists
  • Neurologists
  • Rheumatologists

Physiotherapists may have experience in occupational or physical rehabilitation for back pain or in psychological help for chronic pain and typically include:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Clinical psychologist

Who treats diseases of the spine, shoulder and pelvis?

Conditions of the spine, shoulder and pelvis can be treated by your doctor and / or other medical specialists and health professionals. In the treatment several doctors of different specialties can participate simultaneously. This multidisciplinary team approach is very important for controlling the symptoms of a condition, especially since many of these symptoms are chronic and their severity may vary over time. Listed below are some of the medical professionals who frequently intervene in the treatment of spine, shoulder and pelvic conditions.

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